Terra Lavinium covers the area of 5 Acers with the help of 7 to Towers. Terra Lavinium has total 764 flats including 2 BHK and 3 BHK Apartments options. In 2bhk apartments range Terra Lavinium has 372 flats and in 3 BHK apartments range it has 392 flats. 5 towers have 13 floors and 2 towers have 14 floors. Each floor has 8 Flats. This housing project has been approved by RERA and got the RERA number successfully.
The site is planned and designed keeping in mind the abundant light and air entering the site, and not in any way should it be dominated over by other neighboring buildings. The ground water level is not very high and it is built on good foundation soil ensuring responsible depth for the making of the buildings. They are ensured to be strong and durable and have been constructed using the best steel, cement and other construction materials.
Civic services like water supply, drainage, telephone exchange and electric lines are situated nearby the township for easy access to services without any hassle. The township falls under Haryana Affordable Group Housing Policy and their limits. The site is not nearby any factory, workshop or alike that may subject tenants to unwanted noise and polluted air. Terra Group handpick sites which best suits the busy and fast lifestyle of today’s modern families. A good network of transport, facilities, malls, stores and civic services around the township that does not take up much time or money is always a desired site.
For onsite demonstration, please drop by at our site and Terra Group will give you a full tour to understand your choices better so that you can have a firm decision.